10 simple acts of self-care – part 2

Morning lovelies! I hope you are all having an amazing weekend ♥ I have recently started to try and keep my weekends workfree, but today I have a to-do list that is a lot longer than usual, so there is no way around having to work for a couple of hours + cleaning and doing laundry afterwards before I can finally relax and enjoy my Sunday – I have planned to watch a good movie with a glass of wine and the...

What to look for when buying matcha + my favorite matcha brands

I absolutely LOVE my matcha and I have a cup of matcha tea or a matcha latte every single day, which those of you who follow me on Instagram are probably already very aware of – sorry about the matcha spam you guys! Because of my very obvious love for matcha I often get questions about what matcha brands that I can recommend and what to look for when buying matcha, so I thought I would do a little post on...

Superfood Sunday // Goji berries

Hello lovelies, it is sunday once again which means that it is time for `Superfood Sunday´ and yet another post on one of my favorite superfoods – this week it will be all about goji berries! If the term superfood is new to you I would recommend reading my first post in the series, which focuses on superfoods in general – find it right here. Also make sure to check out my previous posts on chia seeds, maca, blueberries and broccoli. Pancake breakfast pizzas topped with goji berries –...

Tips and tricks to staying healthy while living a busy life

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” – Benjamin Franklin This time last year was one of the most busy periods of my life and while I am fortunately not in that super stressful and time-strapped situation anymore, I would like to share some of the things that made it possible for me to keep up with my healthy lifestyle in a situation where I only had very limited time, energy and money to spend on my meals. If you keep...

Instagram tips and advice pt. 2 // How to get noticed and gain more followers

It is time for the second and final post in my miniseries of ‘Instagram tips and advice’ where I this week will share my best tips and tricks on how to get noticed on instagram and gain more followers. In my opinion the most important thing will always be good content, so if you haven’t yet read pt. 1 dedicated to photography and content I will recommend you to read that post first – you can find it right here! #hashtags One of the...