Strawberry-vanilla shake smoothie bowl & creamy matcha latte

My meal plan for the week + my food & grocery habits

Advertisement. This post is made in collaboration with Lidl.

Today I want to talk to you about something that I am honestly quite terrible at, but wish that I mastered. I have never been one to make meal plans, write long grocery list or plan much at all when it comes to food, but I know that it is such a bad habit and that I could not only save a lot of money if I started following a meal plan, but also a lot of time + there would be less food waste and I would eat a lot more proper meals instead of just putting something random together last minute.

In order to get better at this I have set myself a little challenge to start making meal plans every Sunday this month, but only for 5 days a week as I like to still allow myself a little spontaneity. My little challenge came at a perfect time as I was able to combine it with another fun challenge I was set by Lidl – would I be able to shop and get everything I need in groceries and household items for the week (I mean EVERYTHING, spices etc. included) in Lidl?

I must admit I was a bit skeptical at first, I prefer to shop mostly organic, preferably local and I have a fondness for plantbased and hard to find health nut items, so I was not about to make it easy for them. I understand their confidence though, because Lidl has added a staggering 300 (!!) new products to their assortment during the last year.

When I got to the store I started with the most important things on my list and easily found a large selection of my go-to fruits and veggies that were either organic and/or locally grown, I got lots of Danish root veggies, apples, tomatoes and more + a couple of exotic goodies that I just had to get, like pineapple and the cutest colorful cauliflowers that I just had to try – you guys know how much I love beautiful produce like that!

Another very important thing for me was to be able to find organic Danish meat. I rarely eat meat, but when I do add some to my meals, then I care very much about the quality and origin of the meat I buy and once again I was not disappointed. I was able to find both the organic + Danish chicken breast I needed for my one-pot curry dish as well as the organic + Danish ground beef that I needed for my Mexican inspired lasagna (I am having guest over twice this week, so there is a bit more meat on the schedule than usual).

I could ramble on and on, but the conclusion to my Lidl shopping challenge is that except for cumin, then I was able to find absolutely everything on my list and I actually even ended up slightly changing my meal plan (oops) because I was able to find so many plantbased items that I have been dying to try and just had to add to my grocery cart – like coconut yoghurt and vegan ground beef! You can find my meal plan below (absolutely everything is made only with items from Lidl) + see a selection of all the goodies that I bought (notice how most of the are either organic, Danish and/or fair trade? I am impressed!).

Later this week I will share some of the recipes from my meal plan with you guys and talk a little bit about how this whole meal plan thing is working out for me.

Meal plan:

Oatmeal w. organic bananas and organic peanut butter
Bio organic yoghurt cups (to bring on-the-go when I am in a hurry)
(Vegan) coconut cups topped with fresh fruit and homemade granola made with Danish honey

Dinner leftovers (the joy of working from home)

Monday: Mexican inspired tortilla lasagna (recipe coming this week)
Tuesday: Mexican spiced roasted cauliflower tortillas
Wednesday: Buddha bowl w. roasted root veggies, green lentils, grilled goats cheese, toasted nuts and seeds + a balsamic vinegar dressing
Thursday: One pot chicken curry w. pineapple and quinoa (recipe coming soon)
Friday: Squasghetti with (plantbased) spicy meat sauce (recipe coming this week)
Saturday- Sunday: Room to improvise

Bio organic crisp bread w. gouda and pumpkin seeds + homemade beetroot hummus
Danish apples w. organic peanut butter
Lots of organic and/or locally grown veggies + fruit


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Strawberry-vanilla shake smoothie bowl & creamy matcha latte