Another Morocco trip, let's go to Agadir! Where to stay, what to do - all of the photos!

Berry marbled greek yoghurt popsicles

Evening babes, I hope you are having a lovely weekend so far? ♥

Did anyone else watch the Royal Wedding today? I am not much of a royalist, but I absolutely love watching the weddings, they are just magical and this one was no exception – I love how they so beautifully mixed and honoured both their cultures! favorite part of the wedding was creeping celebs and their outfits though, so many colorful dresses and crazy hats. I love suits so it was so much fun to see the cast there + I was drooling over David Beckham as always, what a babe!! #noshameinmygame He just gets even better looking as he ages, not fair!

Anyways, enough of my rambling, what I really came here to share with you guys is the recipe for these delicious marbled greek yoghurt popsicles. I have already shared the recipe in Danish, but with the amazing weather we are having at the moment, then I thought it would be the perfect time to get the recipe translated into English as well. The popsicles are one of my go-to’s for a delicious and healthy treat in the summer sun and they are always a big hit with both children and grownups – I hope you will enjoy them as well ♥

You can still find the recipe in Danish right here and find more of my favorite popsicle recipes right here!

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Berry compote
2 deciliter (about 0.8 cup) mixed berries (frozen are fine)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1 tablespoons honey or pure maple syrup

Vanilla greek yoghurt
3 deciliter (about 1.2 cup) greek yoghurt
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
2 tablespoons honey or pure maple syrup

Ice cream mould + 4 popsicle sticks

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Start by making the berry compote by adding all the ingredients to a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes and then set it aside to cool. Mash the berries with a fork for a smoother result when added to the popsicles.

Add the ingredients for the vanilla greek yoghurt to a bowl and mix everything well.

When the compote has cooled down, then get the popsicle moulds ready and divide half of the compote into the popsicle moulds. Gently fold the rest of the compote into the greek yoghurt mix for a marbled effect and add it to the popsicle moulds. Now all there is left to do is to add the popsicle sticks and put the moulds in the freezer so the popsicles can set.

They should be ready after 3-4 hours. If you have trouble getting the popsicles out of the mould, then simply hold the moulds under hot water for 5-10 seconds and they should pop right out.

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Another Morocco trip, let's go to Agadir! Where to stay, what to do - all of the photos!