Tropical granola with pineapple and coconut

Three layer no-bake cake – brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough

Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough
Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough

I have been so excited to share this cake with you guys! It is inspired by a gorgeous cake that my friend Kamilla made, which she based on this recipe by the talented Copenhagen Cakes. The cake she served was beyond delicious, seriously I could eat that cake everyday, but it was also a traditional cake full of sugar, butter, flour etc, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with (seriously it’s so yum!), but I just had to try and make a healthified version of the cake to share with you guys. I think it turned out really really well, the taste is amazing and while it is still quite heavy in calories, then it is indeed a healthified version made completely without flour, butter, refined sugar etc. – I call that a succes!! :D

Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough
Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough

Ingredients – 14 servings:

Brownie layer:
4 1/2 deciliter (1.9 cups) rolled oats
6 tablespoons raw cacao powder*
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
A pinch of salt
1 deciliter dark chocolate (0.4 cups), chopped (I used one with 70% cacao)
4 deciliter dates (1.7 cups), pitted
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
5 tablespoons milk (I used almond milk)

Raw vanilla cheesecake layer:
4 deciliter (1.7 cups) cashews, unsalted (soaked for at least 3+ hours)
2 tablespoons lemonjuice
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 deciliter  (0.4 cups) milk (I used almond milk)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1-2 tablespoons pure maple sirup

*can easily be replaced with regular cacao powder

Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough

Chocolate chip cookie dough layer:
2 dl  (0.8 cups) cashews, unsalted
1 dl  (0.4 cups) rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1/5 teaspoon sea salt
15 dates, pitted
2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter
1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
40 gram dark chocolate, chopped (I used one with 70% cacao)

Note: This makes quite a big cake, so unless you are a big family or are having guest over, then I would recommend making a smaller portion. It does keep well in the freezer though, so you can also just make a big batch to sneakily enjoy throughout the week ;)

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 photo dsc_4685.jpg
Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough


  1. Brownie layer: Start by adding the oats to a food processor and pulse until it have turned into a fine flour. Then add in the rest of the brownie ingredients and pulse until everything is well mixed and has turned into a thick, sticky batter. Pour the batter into a springform cake tin lined with baking paper, make sure it is pressed down tight and evenly.
  2. Cheesecake layer: Start by soaking the cashews in water for at least 3 hours, preferably more – even overnight. Simply add all the ingredients to a food processor and pulse until completely smooth, this usually takes a couple of minutes. Taste it and adjust the flavor to your liking. Pour the cheesecake layer on top of the brownie layer and place it in the freezer for a couple of hours until it is solid and have firmed up.
  3. Chocolate chip cookie dough layer: Start by placing the cashews, oats, vanilla powder and sea salt in a food processor and pulse until the cashews and oats have turned into flour. Then add in the dates, coconut oil and peanut butter and pulse until everything is well mixed and have turned into a sticky dough. Use a spoon to scoop out the dough and place it in a bowl, add the chopped dark chocolate and mix well. Pour the cookie dough layer onto the frozen cheesecake layer and make sure it is pressed down tight and evenly. Place it in the freezer again for about 1/2 – 1 hour before serving.
  4. Take the cake out of the freezer for about 1/2 hour before serving. Enjoy!

Note: Store the cake in the freezer until serving. The cake can keep quite long in the freezer (I kept leftovers of this one in there for over a week and it still tasted as good as on the first day), so you can make it many days in advance.

Three layer no-bake cake - brownie, vanilla cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough


  • Oh my GOSH this looks insanely good, I literally let out a gasp when I saw this on my feed!!! Pinning for my next girls’ night in!

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    • amillionmiles

      Thank you so much Sophie! I am so glad you like it <3

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  • OMG! <3 :D

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  • Lisa

    Do you know how many calories each slice contains? Looks AMAZING!

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    • amillionmiles

      Thank you so much Lisa! I never count calories, so I’m not sure how much each slice contains, but they are definitely quite high in calories.

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  • Taleah Zammit

    Hi! love this recipe, but I have a friend who is allergic to cashews, would I be able to replace it with peanuts?

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    • amillionmiles

      Hi Taleah, I’m so glad that you like it! Cashews are sadly non replaceable in this recipe, no other nuts will give that creamy cheesecake layer :/

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  • Natalie

    Hi, looks amazing, what size cake tin did you use for this recipe? Thanks!

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  • Johanne

    Den ser SÅ lækker ud, at jeg tror, jeg bliver nødt til at lave den til min fødselsdag i weekenden!
    Er der maks for, hvor længe cashewnødderne må stå i blød? Og er det bare helt alm. koldt vand, eller tilsætter du salt, som jeg har læst nogle steder om iblødsætning af nødder?
    Og hvilken str. springform har du brugt? Det kommer sig nok ikke så nøje, men bare for at få en idé, hvis man vil have samme tykkelse som din kage :-)

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    • A Million Miles

      Tusind tak Johanne, jeg kan virkelig anbefale den! Jeg plejer normalt maks at lade dem stå natten over, men har før ladet dem stå i blød længere, da mine planer ændrede sig – bare sørg for at skifte vandet og evt. stil dem i køleskabet. De skal bare i helt almindelig koldt vand fra hanen, ingen salt. Arh beklager at der ikke er mål på, det plejer jeg ellers altid at huske! Jeg har ikke brugt min egen form til den her, så kan desværre ikke engang måle den for dig, men vil gætte på 24-26 cm i diameter, da den var en del større end de 20 cm forme jeg normalt bruger.

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    • Johanne

      Tak for hurtigt svar :-) Jeg har sat dem i køleskabet i morges, og så satser jeg på, det går, at jeg laver det, når jeg er hjemme i aften :-)
      Det er helt fint med formen, det er jo egentlig ligemeget, når der ikke er nogen bagetid, der skal justeres! Jeg tager bare min store springform :-)

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  • Johanne

    Helt fantastisk kage! Jeg lavede heldigvis hel portion, selvom jeg ikke fik så mange fødselsdagsgæster, men så kan jeg snuppe et stykke i fryseren af og til her de sidste uger af specialeperioden. Tak for en fantastisk opskrift! :-)

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Tropical granola with pineapple and coconut