Peppermint chocolate bliss balls - an easy Christmas treat

Christmas treats // Gingerbread waffles, candied almonds, candied apples, gingerbread cookies

Christmas treats - gingerbread waffles, candied almonds, gingerbread cookies
Sponsored. This post is created in collaboration with Dansukker.

Okay so I know I have been sharing a lot of Christmas treats lately, but personally I looove to be surrounded by as much inspiration as I can get for Christmas baking and treats, so I hope you are up for some more! I have both taken on some classics + tried to make something new that I think will be a future classic in my family – and maybe in yours too! I love to try new things as well, instead of only making all the traditional Christmas cookies and sweets. I started by making candied almonds and candy apples, which I think are quite the classics when it comes to Christmas treats – or at least the candied almonds for sure are! I love how you can always smell them everywhere while Christmas shopping in the centre of Copenhagen. There are little street vendors everywhere that are constantly making new delicious batches right there on the street, so yum! My candied apples honestly kinda failed, but the almonds are beyond delicious and super easy to make, a must try!

The “something new” are these beyond delicious gingerbread waffles that was inspired by this recipe for gingerbread pancakes found on Dansukker’s Christmas recipe page (they have so many delicious recipes, make sure to check them out). I changed up the recipe a bit to suit my flavour + made waffles instead and they turned out so good! In my family we always used to make waffles for treats, like I wrote last week my family and I were never too keen on baking, so waffles was our go-to for dessert. It’s been a couple of years since we last made waffles and I’m actually not quite sure why we stopped (I think the waffle iron may have broke or it got displaced), but when I am going home to stay with my parents for Christmas then these gingerbread waffles will definitely be on the dessert menu – yep I’m bringing waffles back! Haha I’m not one to let a family tradition die, especially when it involves dessert ;)


Gingerbread waffles – 8 waffles:
3 1/2 deciliter flour
1 deciliter Dansukker cane sugar
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
A pinch of salt
1 1/2 tablespoon gingerbread spice mix w. cinnamon, cloves, ginger and bitter orange peel*
1 deciliter water
1 deciliter milk (I used oat milk)
1/2 deciliter Dansukker muscovado sirup
2 eggs
3 tablespoons coconut oil

*You can make your own spice mix instead, fx try using 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. ground ginger, 1/2 tsp. grated nutmeg and 1/2 tsp. ground clove.


Gingerbread waffles – directions:

  1. Start by adding all the dry ingredients to a bowl and mix well. Add in the rest of the ingredients and whisk everything well together until you have a smooth waffle batter. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Turn on your waffle iron and allow it to heat up completely before using it. Add a tiny bit of coconut oil to grease it and start cooking your waffles – continue until there is no batter left. I usually let the waffles firm up a little on a wire rack before serving them, it makes them more crisp.
  3. I served the waffles with Dansukker muscovado sirup and pomegranate seeds, so good!


Candied almonds – yields 1 jar as pictured:
100 gram almonds
75 gram Dansukker cane sugar
1 teaspoon Dansukker vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons water

Simply add all the ingredients to a pan on medium to high heat and let the sugar boil until it turns to caramel, make sure to stir frequently. At one point the sugar will crystallise and turn white and crumble, keep stirring the almonds until the sugar slowly starts melting again. The almonds are done when all the sugar have melted again and the almonds are covered in golden brown caramel. Pour the almonds onto a baking sheet and use a fork to carefully separate them, allow then to cool completely before storing them in an airtight jar.


Candy apples
My candy apples were a bit of a fail to be honest, I have made them before where they turned out amazing, so I am not sure what went wrong this time, but I think I must have gotten the temperature wrong. You can find the recipe I used right here. It is the same one that I used the first time, so the recipe is good, I just somehow messed up this batch.


The best gingerbread cookies
Oh and make sure to check the recipe I posted last week for these beyond delicious gingerbread cookies, seriously they’re so good!!! Find the recipe right here!



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Peppermint chocolate bliss balls - an easy Christmas treat