Rainbow bowl - raspberry peach bliss smoothie

Pink beet and strawberry pancakes with vanilla “cream” – new and updated recipe

Pink beet and strawberry pancakes with vanilla "cream" - new and updated recipe

Hi lovelies! I am sorry that I have been completely MIA for the past couple of days, I have simply been too exhausted to blog or pay any attention to social media. As I have mentioned earlier I bought the upstairs apartment in an absolutely gorgeous, but sadly quite neglected house a couple of months ago and by some amazing turn in events the lovely family who owned the downstairs apartment were interested in selling their part of the house, so my sister have just bought the downstairs apartment and we now own the entire house! Eeeek I am so happy and excited!! It feels insane that we own this huge house between the two of us! I know some of you were a bit confused about the whole thing when I first shared the news, but it is quite simple actually. It is a two story house that have been divided into two separate apartments, I own the upstairs apartment and my sister owns the downstairs apartment and then we share the basement + the rooms in the attic. We plan on making a studio + storage for our webshop in the basement and then offices in the rooms on the attic. I am beyond happy about this whole thing, but it also means that we have a lot of renovating to do. The house is in worse shape than we expected, but thankfully a good friend of the family is a contractor, so we will be able to get things done pretty quickly. My apartment is pretty much done (I just need to put some final touches on the decor) and they have started the work on my sisters apartment this week, so hopefully she will be able to move in in a couple of weeks.

The best part about moving from an apartment to a house is that we now have our very own gardens!! I have wanted that for so long!! They are the reason for my lack of blogging as we have been working on them non-stop for the past 5 days! The gardens were a total mess, but we (thank’s for the help mom and dad!) have worked our butts off and they are finally starting to come together! I cannot wait to share some photos with you guys! I have of course planted a lot of berry bushes and herbs in my garden, but I think planting veggies and such will have to wait until next year as it is a little too late in the season to start planting them now.

Because the gardens have been getting all of my attention I haven’t really been cooking much, but I still have a couple of new recipes that I haven’t shared with you yet, hopefully I will have some time (and energy) to type them in for you guys tonight. Until then I want to share this yummy recipe for pink pancakes with you guys. I have shared the recipe before, but I sadly discovered a major mistake in the recipe and so I have made a new (and very much improved) recipe for you lovelies. I know some of you won’t be too keen on adding beets to your pancakes, but you only need a little beet juice to get this pretty color, so I promise you won’t be able to taste it ❤︎

Find more pancake recipes right here!

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Ingredients – 2 servings:
2 eggs
1 banana
4 strawberries
4 tablespoons beetjuice
70 grams rolled oats
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla powder
1 tablespoon akacia honey or pure maple sirup

A little coconut oil to cook the pancakes in

Vanilla “cream”
½ deciliter (equals o.2 cup) skyr or greek yoghurt
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla powder
½ tablespoon  akacia honey or pure maple sirup

Pink beet and strawberry pancakes with vanilla "cream" - new and updated recipe


  1. Simply add all the ingredients to a blender and pulse until smooth. Set the pancake batter aside for about 10 minutes to allow it to thicken.
  2. Heat a non-stick pan – I prefer to make them on medium to high heat – and add a little coconut oil. When the oil has melted pour a circle of the pancake batter onto the pan, I used about 3 tablespoons per pancake
  3. Cook the pancake for a couple of minutes until it is very lightly golden on the underside – flip it – and give it about a minute on the other side. The cooking time depends on how thick you make your pancakes.
  4. Repeat until you have used all of the pancake batter, arrange the pancakes and add your toppings of choice (I served mine with vanilla “cream”, fresh strawberries and freeze-dried raspberry), enjoy!


  • This looks amazing. Love the idea of adding beet juice to pancakes for color. Hope you guys are doing well in Denmark, heard about a shooting.

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    • amillionmiles

      Thank you so much <3 It has been some dark days and my heart breaks for the victims and their families, but we will get through it and it will not change us, there's too much love and compassion for one sick individual to change that.

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  • These pancakes look SO delicious. And I love their pink colour!

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  • […] Pink Greek Yoghurt Pancakes from A Million Miles don’t depend on artificial flavoring for their gorgeous pink color, and the fluffy pancakes are simply delicious, proving you don’t need an abundance of artificial ingredients for a sweet treat. […]

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