Superfood oatmeal with fruity toppings

The best gingerbread christmas cookies

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Sponsored. This post is created in collaboration with Dansukker.

So I have a little confession to make, while gingerbread cookies is most definitely a traditional christmas treat here in Denmark and while our family enjoys them every year, then I have actually never baked them myself before. I mean I have often “baked” them, but never from scratch. Haha yep we (as in my family, but especially my little sister and I) have actually always just used those store-bought frozen gingerbread doughs that you just have to roll out, cut and bake (and then decorate of course, that was always my sister and I´s favourite part) kinda awful for a foodblogger right?! ;) My parents have never been too fond of baking and I didn’t used to be either, so it was never really a tradition for us to make christmas cookies or cakes and such from scratch (the christmas food though, always made from scratch and so good that it makes my mouth water just thinking about it!!). Even though none of us are big bakers, then baking christmas cookies have always been a must anyways, because it is about being together as a family, enjoying each others company and getting into the right christmas spirit. It makes me happy and crazy excited for christmas just thinking about it!

Things are starting to change though, because as I have shared a couple of times before on the blog, then I am starting to bake more and more recently and I am actually really enjoying it, so this year I of course had to try and bake my own gingerbread cookies – from scratch! I cannot believe that I haven’t done this sooner, they are beyond easy to make and they taste sooo good!! Much better than the store-bought ones for sure, I will stick to making them from scratch in the future! Haha I completely failed when it came to the frosting though, it was kinda all over the place, so I decided that these cookies does not need any frosting at all ;)

The recipe I used is this (the first one) from Dansukker, I made some slight alterations as you can see below where I share my version in english, but it is almost the same recipe and I promise you that it is really good! The cookies have the perfect crunch and are so full of flavour, but are not too spicy as I find some christmas cookies to be. Make sure to check out more of the beyond delicious looking christmas recipes from Dansukker as well, their site is great for christmas baking inspiration, I definitely have to try some more of their recipes soon!

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2 deciliter Dansukker golden syrup
1 deciliter Dansukker cane sugar
1 1/4 deciliter Dansukker sugar
200 g butter
1 large egg
1 bag of gingerbread spice mix (20 gram) w. cinnamon, cloves, ginger and bitter orange peel*
11+ deciliter flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

*You can easily make your own spice mix instead, find my super simple recipe right here!

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  1. Start by melting the butter, sugar, cane sugar and syrup in a small pot while stirring. Set it aside to cool. When it have cooled a bit stir in the egg.
  2. Add the baking soda to a bowl, dissolve it in a little bit of water and add the spices. Stir everything well together.
  3. Add the flour to the bowl and pour in the sugar/butter mix as well. Mix everything well together until you have a sticky cohesive dough – add more flour if needed. Cover the bowl and set it in the fridge to rest overnight. It will firm up so don’t worry if it is a bit thin.
  4. Scoop out the gingerbread dough in portions and use a rolling pin to roll it out, I started by leaving the dough quite thick, which was a mistake as the cookies rise quite a bit in the oven (still tasted great though), so make them as thin as you can without the dough falling apart. Use cookie cutters to make your cookie figures of choice and repeat until you have no dough left.
  5. Bake the cookies at 200 c // 400 f for about 6 minutes. Keep an eye on them so they don’t get burned. Let them cool and then store them in an airtight container until they are ready to be served.

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