Peanut butter nice cream with peanut butter granola

Breakfast wraps with peanut butter, homemade chia jam, honey toasted granola and more

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Okay so many of you have probably noticed that I tend to get quite obsessed with things and this new post contains not just one, but two of my newest obsessions – peanut butter and these super yummy breakfast wraps! I have been putting peanut butter on everything lately (as you might have noticed in my recent recipes) and this newest creation is one of my absolute favorites! It is a twist on the american classic PB and jelly sandwich, but healthified and with a better nutritional profile. Ahh this is so good, haha I wish I had one right now! You have to give it a try, I promise you that it is so tasty and super filling!

I have created the recipe for the Danish magazine Costume and you can find it over on their website, where I each tuesday share a new recipe.

Find the recipe right here!

The article is in Danish, but you can easily use an online translator (e.g. just copy-paste the recipe into Google Translate) and if you have any problems, then just let me know and I will help you :)

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  • Great recipe, i love it!!

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    • amillionmiles

      Thank you Jenny, I’m glad you like it :)

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  • Noelia

    Hi! This recipe sounds so yummy, but I have a question, I don’t understand how do I have to put the strawberries? I mena, if they have to be intact or I have to crush them before the boiling?
    Thank you :kissing_heart:

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    • amillionmiles

      Hi Noelia. Thank you, I’m glad you like it! I boil them whole and then crush them afterwards, but you can do it both ways :)

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Peanut butter nice cream with peanut butter granola